I have a new energy blog over at Substack called Second Power, and I encourage anyone reading this to subscribe to the email list. I’m just getting started over there but I’m envisioning it as a potential group project, so if anyone wants to contribute a piece, I’m all for it. (I currently have no budget, so I’m not in a position to pay anyone…yet.)
I’m interested in emergent/distributed technologies, exit technologies in the context of energy, themes of decentralization, enhanced customer choice, affordability issues/rate design, the energy/bitcoin nexus, current events (re: energy/war issues), and specifically markets like Texas and California (the latter being my particular area of focus).
I feel like a lot of energy writing online tends to get siloed into predictable ruts — much of it seems to be either sneering, Reddit-style advocacy of renewables/storage or stodgy, Cato Institute-type screeds that come off as antiquated. So I thought it might be fun to throw something new into the mix.
I’d also like to feature interesting aesthetics — I think solarpunk, for example, is a decent idea that maybe got overdone and played out a bit. But something fresh/unique along those lines interests me (recently I’ve had little visions of totem-type clip art/iconography/math-y sigils related to energy).
Here are a couple of recent longform pieces.
Surveying the Energy Aesthetics Landscape and its Possible Permutations
Collaborate with me
would love to hear about collaborative projects.
feel free to drop me an email:
psalmskull AT protonmail.com