Aborted: “At last, it appears that the Party of Chaos got its fondest wish: it aborted itself in the 2024 election.”
A Climate Hypothesis: “If my hypothesis is correct, [a meridian halfway between the equator and the north pole] will be the new location of the global belt of deserts in the northern hemisphere, because that’s where the dry air from the upper troposphere spilling out from the [intertropical convergence zone] will come rushing down, the way it now does over the Sahara desert and similarly verdant regions. Well south of that line, you’ll have savanna, and well north of that — say, in what’s now Alaska and Siberia — you’ll have the kind of temperate climate we now get around 45° north.”
After the Election: “El Salvador’s philosopher king Nayib Bukele, the first foreign leader to congratulate Trump, posted on X that:
No matter your political preference or whether you like what happened or what’s yet to happen. But I’m certain you don’t fully grasp the fork in human civilization that began yesterday.
Think about that. Regardless of your political position, and regardless of whether you celebrated Trump’s win, like I did with my circles, or cried over it with hysteria, you don’t fully grasp what happened. Bukele is indicating that there’s a yet hidden significance of the election for the history of human civilization.”
America’s Mandate: “Trump’s victory was not only political but spiritual, and not just for him. This week’s electoral success was the culmination of millions of successful battles fought across the nation, and the world, and in the soul of every man. What was rejected was the politics of madness, lies, and fear. What all this finally added up to was the mobilization of a new coalition of the American spirit, in all its resolve and audacity.”
Atomic Age Catholics (h/t Nuclear Barbarians): “In the fall of 1957, an AGN-201 nuclear training reactor was installed on the Catholic University campus. Originally located in the Nuclear Training Laboratory of the campus Power Plant, this reactor was a compact unit standing nine feet tall and weighing 12 tons. Capable of producing 100 milliwatts of energy – only enough to light a single Christmas tree bulb! – the unit was not intended for powering campus offices but providing a controlled model to train budding nuclear engineers, power plant operators, and faculty researchers. For over 20 years, the reactor was at the heart of a close relationship between the Atomic Energy Commission and the University. But why Catholic University and why a nuclear reactor?”
Donald and the Pincer: “If we are living through a revolution, it is not the rise of ‘cultural Marxism,’ but the ongoing, accelerating revolution of the Machine. The post-modern left which has seized the heights of so much of Western culture is not some radical threat to the establishment: it is the establishment. Progressive leftism is market liberalism by other means. It enables the spread and growth of Machine society by launching an all-out war on any cultural norms that remain to us in the 2020s: norms which act as a brake on the spread of Machine values. The left and corporate capitalism now function like a pincer: one attacks the culture, deconstructing everything from history to ‘heteronormativity’ to national identities; the other moves in to monetise the resulting fragments.”
The Derogation of Disagreeable Men: “You can be a disagreeable man and be a good man. If anyone tells you otherwise, simply look them in the eye and tell them that you agree to disagree.”