Aborted: “At last, it appears that the Party of Chaos got its fondest wish: it aborted itself in the 2024 election.” A Climate Hypothesis: “If my hypothesis is correct, [a meridian halfway between the equator and the north pole] will be the new location of the global belt of deserts in the northern hemisphere, because…
Tag: Catholic
MONDAY LINKS: Reformation; Blessings of Providence; and the Multiplication of Man’s Ends
A More Perfect Disunion: “Trump’s running mate in 2016 was Mike Pence, an Evangelical Neocon. His current partner is JD Vance, 40, a Catholic equally at home with reactionary rightism and technological futurism. Vance represents the beginning of a new sort of establishment, less comprehensive, more regional and eclectic, and archaeo-traditional in outlook: a faith…
TUESDAY LINKS: Gladiators and Slaves; Synchromysticism; Hell or High Water
All the World is a Myth: “We are still living in the Roman Empire…There is still a Colosseum and a Circus Maximus. There are still gladiators and slaves, there are still heroes and tyrants, and how exactly are we to know the difference?” Approach That Which Could Destroy You: “You have to approach that which…
WEEKEND LINKS: overpriced office fauna, the service of vultures, new realms of horror
Bidenihilism: “As Eric Hoffer observed in 1951, ‘Mass movements can rise and spread without belief in a God, but never without belief in a devil.’” Catholicism is About Swords: “…many Catholics have risen from their dazed shock and have seen the Big Lie burying the truth of God. They have recognized that the Faith is…
The Passion of the Christ
I watched The Passion of the Christ for the first time ever on Good Friday this year. I think it’s worth watching and many parts are very well done but I do think Mel Gibson went too far with the blood, the gore and the violence, which apparently has been a recurring criticism of the…
America’s Mugshot: “…the American dream has been stolen from us, and it is now on trial.” A Theory of the Game: “…a system that has been hollowed out by a string of cascading failures runs into one more crisis than it can tolerate, and implodes under the weight of its own absurdities. We are much…
𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚔𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚔𝚜: Jesus, Johnny Cash, AI, Time Travel, and Rome
A Brief Discussion of The Retrocausal and Telepathic Potential of Quantum Computation: “I was looking at a magazine with my mother. Something like Newsweek or Time. An illustration caught my attention of Lewis Carrol‘s Alice, but her body was composed of gears and circuits and there were workers tending to her. The caption below this image read “Alice in…