If Wishes Were Fishes — a Teachable Intermezzo: “This is the most significant reality of the world picture now: the wishes of the manager class are going in one direction while the actual dynamics of economy and politics go in the opposite direction. The managers wish for their management of systems to become as centralized…
Tag: distributed
Weekend Links: Harmonic & Permanent; Joy as Armor; the Distant Hellish Hum of a Leaf Blower
Field Notes: “I saw Depression’s physical form. She whom the Greeks called Oizys and the Romans Miseria, Misery. At the time I had no idea The Ancients had such a goddess and I had never thought to personify my distress and yet…There she was. Black as her mother Night. When I saw her I wanted to kill…
weekend links: chaotic potential, the violent death of men, Psalm 91
From City to Civium: “The fourth industrial revolution really is at hand — but the WEF is completely wrong. They are correct in recognizing that a massive technical wave is sweeping across our economic landscape, but they make the mistake of thinking that the city (and its nature) is an invariant. As a result, they have…