What follows is a list of stray words and quotes that I highlighted for my own reasons while reading Blood Meridian a couple years ago. I’m sharing them because their aesthetic value is inherently high but also because, in aggregate their strangeness and desolate aesthetics are enhanced. They also act like luminol on my brain…
Tag: ghosts
Weekend Links: the Age of Disenchanment, Digital Ghosts, Faraway Friends, and Magisterial Relics of the Ancient World
Anons at the Gate: “The nature of the shadow is equated with the unknown, and with chaos itself. A chaos that is always on the brink of returning once more. Only now we live in an even more precarious position, because as [Jordan] Peterson correctly asserts, in the age of disenchantment, after the ‘Death of…
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If, for Decades, an Anchor Served a Ship, Which One Day Decided to Cut its Chains and Sail Away, Can the Drowning Anchor Grow Wings? And if So, Will the Anchor Always be Burdened by the Weight of Having Been Used? “My wish for you, my friend — and all the other abandoned anchors that…
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the week in cityscapes pic.twitter.com/lBzhhOmYC1 — тцпдяапацт (@tundranaut) February 6, 2020 Position Desired: Cosmic Surf Lord — тцпдяапацт (@tundranaut) November 18, 2019 Diamanda Galás: ”Sólo puedo vivir si me enfrento cada día a la muerte” — тцпдяапацт (@tundranaut) January 14, 2020 chaos — тцпдяапацт (@tundranaut) January 29, 2020 Drag racing, sirens, power tools — тцпдяапацт…