I watched The Passion of the Christ for the first time ever on Good Friday this year. I think it’s worth watching and many parts are very well done but I do think Mel Gibson went too far with the blood, the gore and the violence, which apparently has been a recurring criticism of the…
Tag: holy
Weekend Links: Bulletproof Happiness; Excellence; Plutarch
Just returned from a pretty incredible trip to the Wagon Box Inn in the Wyoming wilderness. Below are some photos from my wanderings. And of course, here are some weekend links, including pieces by three friends who were out there in the Wyoming wilderness with me. (We made the plunge into an icy creek at…
Mid-Week Links: Theories for the Damned, Cosmological Spiritual Wars, and Permanent Revolution
American Prometheus: “There are earth energies emanating from places across [New Mexico] that are healing and raising consciousness — Taos even has an audible hum. The official nickname of New Mexico is ‘The Land of Enchantment,’ and it enchanted the young [Oppenheimer]. The other meaning of enchantment — that of alchemy/magic/spirituality/occultism — also applies to…