Against Christian Civilization: Paul Kingsnorth critiques the idea of using Christianity as a tool to defend Western culture, arguing that Christianity at its core is uncivilized. Christianity is impractical. Impractical, intolerable, and awful, in the original sense of that word. It is terrifying, and it is designed to kill you. This is because the values of…
Tag: Jordan Peterson
Weekend Links: the Age of Disenchanment, Digital Ghosts, Faraway Friends, and Magisterial Relics of the Ancient World
Anons at the Gate: “The nature of the shadow is equated with the unknown, and with chaos itself. A chaos that is always on the brink of returning once more. Only now we live in an even more precarious position, because as [Jordan] Peterson correctly asserts, in the age of disenchantment, after the ‘Death of…
Brand Tundranaut on the Internet
“Brand Tundranaut” has made its way onto pal Brett‘s YouTube page, where images from this site grace some of Brett’s YouTube musical offerings. Relatedly: check out Brett’s music set to the backdrop of a Jordan Peterson lecture:
INTERVIEW: Justin Murphy #WeirdPoliticalTheory
JUSTIN MURPHY Q: You recently conducted an interesting study whose results probably surprised some people. Essentially, the data you’ve looked at seems to suggest that “radical leftists” and/or “the far left” are not necessarily the threat to free speech they are often portrayed as; rather, the problem free speech runs into is more complex and…