cross-posted here Maverick has a great piece at Man’s World Online examining cryptocurrency’s role in the evolution of money and its potential to concretize abstract ideas about freedom and truth. He looks at the work of classicist Richard Seaford along with Costin Alamariu to map the links between coinage and philosophy. “The pre-Socratics and the Socratics inherited a thoroughly…
Tag: nomos
ШԐЄҠԐИD LЇЙԞS: Waiting for the Barbarians, Strange Gods, Death Masks
COUNTER-CURRENTS: “[Robert E. Lee]’s bronze head was ripped from his body, his face was peeled from his head in the form of a death mask, and then it was super-heated to the point where it glowed…” HOW TO MAKE ART in NORTH KOREA: “[Laibach] are very, very unashamedly flirting with totalitarian aesthetics and the philosopher…
W҈҉҈҉e҈҉҈҉e҈҉҈҉k҈҉҈҉e҈҉҈҉n҈҉҈҉d҈҉҈҉ ҈҉҈҉L҈҉҈҉i҈҉҈҉n҈҉҈҉k҈҉҈҉s҈҉҈҉: Storming the Heavens, Unfreedom, Alienation
A New Cosmist Moment: “Paradigm breakthroughs always begin with calls to great, even fantastical endeavors—to ‘storm the heavens,’ as Fyodorov once implored his followers to do. Even if Cosmism’s attempts at articulating a human project were kooky in certain respects, a great deal of tangible scientific progress emerged from its admirers. New, totalizing theories of…