Don’t Waste a Good Crisis: “If you want to know what might come next, read the memoir of ‘White’ Russian general Pyotr Wrangel, Always with Honor, about the Russian Civil War. I’m not joking.” Godzilla: “A highlight of Heisei period Godzilla movies is Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah. It’s mostly a highlight for being completely bonkers Japanese nationalism. The…
Tag: repetition
Weekend Links: the Age of Disenchanment, Digital Ghosts, Faraway Friends, and Magisterial Relics of the Ancient World
Anons at the Gate: “The nature of the shadow is equated with the unknown, and with chaos itself. A chaos that is always on the brink of returning once more. Only now we live in an even more precarious position, because as [Jordan] Peterson correctly asserts, in the age of disenchantment, after the ‘Death of…