I ran the text from this site’s About page through a generator called the N + 7 Machine, which:
…involves replacing each noun in a text with the seventh one following it in a dictionary. (In French, it is also referred to as the ‘S+7’ procedure.)…you can enter an English text and 15 alternative texts will be generated, from N+1, which replaces each noun with the next one in the dictionary, to N+15, which takes the 15th noun following.
Here are my favorite word combos from the results.
Ravages. Hibernacula.
Burning tigresses.
Giant treetops.
Unplaces. Strangleholds. Cultivators. Disappearing, disharmony. Broken glasshouse.
Rival devils.Cosmic ditches. Satires. Impermanence. Enumerations.
Lost timekeeper. Rods. Mortarboard. Valkyries. Andante moonbeams.
Ephemera. Battlegrounds. Xanadu.
Tulpas. Raves. Hibernacula. Swathes. Asphalt. Flashbulb greyhounds.
Burning tildes.Polaroid skylarks.Giant treks.
Unplaces. Stranglers. Cultures. Disappearing, disharmony. Broken glaze.
Granulated lighthouse.
Timbral agitator. Brute ford. Sabretooths. Dissonance. Flatlands. Collaboration, lonely placements. Imperium. Celestial fireball.
Catalysts, skunks, cracks. Tariffs and scoundrels. Permutations. Absolute.
Infinitum. Epoches. Archipelagos. Phantasma. Sins.
…parlor tricksters, decimal. Ephemera.
Flashcube grids.
Math sigils. Algebraic dharma. Achromatic nimbus psyches.
Oaken beatings. Unplaces.
Broken gleam.
Catamarans, skies, crackdowns. Tarns and scours. Permutations. Abstention.
Anemone moors. Caveman palaces.
Polaroid skylines.Giant tremolos.
Unplaces. Stratagems. Disappearing, disharmony. Broken glen.
Bleach furies. Indeterminacy. Undercurrent. Granulated lightning.
Timbral agony.
Collage, lonely plagiarisms. Imperium. Celestial firebrand.
Tarnishes and scourers. Permutations. Abstract.
Equalizers.Archipelagos. Phantasma. Sinecures.
Cosmic divans. Satsumas. Impermanence. Enumerations. Timeserver silences. Lost timeserver.
Rogues. Mortise. Valkyries.
Incandescent touchstones in summons reprieve.
Crashing cosmological nonconformist.
Asphalt. Flashgun griefs. Cathedrals. Math sigils. Algebraic dharma.
Polaroid skyscrapers.Giant tremors.
Broken glide. Sitars. Celestial firebreak.
Permutations. Abstraction.
Cosmic dives. Satyrs. Impermanence. Enumerations.
…black holograms…Vertigo. Tidepools. Crashing cosmological nonentity.
Tulpas. Ravines. Hibernacula.
Flashlight grievances. Cathodes. Math sigils. Algebraic dharma.
Burning timbers. Polaroid slabs.Giant trenches.
Broken glider.
Collar, lonely plagues. Imperium. Celestial firebrick.
Vanishing polarities, black holographs, traverse doorways. Vertigo. Tidepools. Crashing cosmological nonsense.
Polonium helter-skelter madhouses…
Unplaces. Stratums.
Disappearing, disharmony. Broken glimmer.
Granulated light-year.
Broken glimmering.
Collation, lonely plains. Imperium. Celestial fire-eater.
Vanishing poleaxes…Vertigo. Tidepools. Achromatic nirvana psychologies. Giant trespasses.
Broken glimpse. Gag shock.
Catechisms, slabs, crafts. Tasks and scramblers. Permutations.
Granulated lilac. Barbed withdrawal. Roadhouse diagonals. Cosmic divides.
Tinderbox silos.
Beachheads. Xanadu.
Vanishing polemics…
Vertigo. Tidepools. Crashing cosmological noose.
…parlor trillions…
Broken glitter.
Celebrant palms.
Crashing cosmological northerner. Celestial fireside.
Erasures. Archipelagos. Phantasma.
Slipstreams. Hypnagogia.
Cosmic divinities.
Polonium heptagon magics, luminous dose.
Giant triangles.
…empty loyalties. Tonne. Gala shock.
Brute forelock. Sabretooths. Dissonance. Flatlands.
Annex moratoriums. Snake and miseries…