If Wishes Were Fishes — a Teachable Intermezzo: “This is the most significant reality of the world picture now: the wishes of the manager class are going in one direction while the actual dynamics of economy and politics go in the opposite direction. The managers wish for their management of systems to become as centralized…
Tag: alive
Monday Links: Time; Night; Oz
Alt Economy of Inner Night: “Dream can be understood as the microleakage of the subconscious blackbox through which an insurrectionary consciousness may infiltrate. It is here, wading through a thick confused mess of oneself that the dreamer takes on the role of a lonesome trader who might find automated kiosks in the simulated likeness of…
w꙲꙲e꙲꙲e꙲꙲k꙲꙲e꙲꙲n꙲꙲d꙲꙲ ꙲꙲l꙲꙲i꙲꙲n꙲꙲k꙲꙲s꙲꙲: the Portents of Spring; King Rex; Ritualistic Death
Comes Thermidor: “America is headed for its own Thermidorian Reaction. It’ll end up being called something else, of course, because it is a different time, place, and set of circumstances. But it feels close, doesn’t it? Everybody I know or correspond with mentions this feeling that something is going to blow in our country, and…
America’s Mugshot: “…the American dream has been stolen from us, and it is now on trial.” A Theory of the Game: “…a system that has been hollowed out by a string of cascading failures runs into one more crisis than it can tolerate, and implodes under the weight of its own absurdities. We are much…
America: “The day of the wolf is over. This is the day of the coyote. Small cunning packs that fragment and spread. The wolf was law and order. Tradition obedience and hierarchy. We honor the wolf because he’s dead. The coyote looks up from eating your trash to eyefuck you. He survives.” Delicious Tacos Bayesian…