Frontier Cities: “Like many other moments in American history, we find ourselves at the advent of a technological innovation era that has the potential to significantly increase human freedom. We must grasp it. America must, as it has for centuries, set out toward that goal. We don’t need to colonize Mars, we don’t need new…
Tag: birds
Weekend Links: Harmonic & Permanent; Joy as Armor; the Distant Hellish Hum of a Leaf Blower
Field Notes: “I saw Depression’s physical form. She whom the Greeks called Oizys and the Romans Miseria, Misery. At the time I had no idea The Ancients had such a goddess and I had never thought to personify my distress and yet…There she was. Black as her mother Night. When I saw her I wanted to kill…
Blood Meridian
I haven’t had the pleasure of reading Blood Meridian yet, but every single Blood Meridian quote I’ve mined from the internet is extraordinary. To wit: They rode on and the sun in the east flushed pale streaks of light and then a deeper run of color like blood seeping up in sudden reaches flaring planewise…
Light That Kills as Well as Illumines
“If we can’t hear people screaming in agony, how can we hear at all?” — Henry Miller Edgard Varèse I was digging through old blog posts recently and found a post that deserves a reboot. The topic of the post in question was Henry Miller’s book The Air-Conditioned Nightmare, which features some really great music…