America: “The day of the wolf is over. This is the day of the coyote. Small cunning packs that fragment and spread. The wolf was law and order. Tradition obedience and hierarchy. We honor the wolf because he’s dead. The coyote looks up from eating your trash to eyefuck you. He survives.” Delicious Tacos Bayesian…
Tag: cybernetics
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the week in cityscapes — тцпдяапацт (@tundranaut) February 6, 2020 Position Desired: Cosmic Surf Lord — тцпдяапацт (@tundranaut) November 18, 2019 Diamanda Galás: ”Sólo puedo vivir si me enfrento cada día a la muerte” — тцпдяапацт (@tundranaut) January 14, 2020 chaos — тцпдяапацт (@tundranaut) January 29, 2020 Drag racing, sirens, power tools — тцпдяапацт…