Alt Economy of Inner Night: “Dream can be understood as the microleakage of the subconscious blackbox through which an insurrectionary consciousness may infiltrate. It is here, wading through a thick confused mess of oneself that the dreamer takes on the role of a lonesome trader who might find automated kiosks in the simulated likeness of…
Tag: Edward Hopper
Cross-posted at Medium ‘Neighbors,’ a 1981 film starring John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd, has been lost to cinematic obscurity, which is sad because the movie is a masterpiece that ruthlessly deploys discomfort and tension as comedic tools. Recently I watched it again and came away impressed with how the movie has aged. It may be funnier than…
Pandemic Inventory
Seems like a lot of people are taking inventory of their pandemic experiences, so I will too. (As someone on Twitter recently joked, citing Garrison Keillor: Nothing happened to me, and now I’m going to tell you about it.) Like millions of others, I spend a lot of time alone these days. Don’t my lonely…
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the week in cityscapes — тцпдяапацт (@tundranaut) February 6, 2020 Position Desired: Cosmic Surf Lord — тцпдяапацт (@tundranaut) November 18, 2019 Diamanda Galás: ”Sólo puedo vivir si me enfrento cada día a la muerte” — тцпдяапацт (@tundranaut) January 14, 2020 chaos — тцпдяапацт (@tundranaut) January 29, 2020 Drag racing, sirens, power tools — тцпдяапацт…