cross-posted here Maverick has a great piece at Man’s World Online examining cryptocurrency’s role in the evolution of money and its potential to concretize abstract ideas about freedom and truth. He looks at the work of classicist Richard Seaford along with Costin Alamariu to map the links between coinage and philosophy. “The pre-Socratics and the Socratics inherited a thoroughly…
Tag: laws
w꙲꙲e꙲꙲e꙲꙲k꙲꙲e꙲꙲n꙲꙲d꙲꙲ ꙲꙲l꙲꙲i꙲꙲n꙲꙲k꙲꙲s꙲꙲: the Portents of Spring; King Rex; Ritualistic Death
Comes Thermidor: “America is headed for its own Thermidorian Reaction. It’ll end up being called something else, of course, because it is a different time, place, and set of circumstances. But it feels close, doesn’t it? Everybody I know or correspond with mentions this feeling that something is going to blow in our country, and…
Weekend Links: Bulletproof Happiness; Excellence; Plutarch
Just returned from a pretty incredible trip to the Wagon Box Inn in the Wyoming wilderness. Below are some photos from my wanderings. And of course, here are some weekend links, including pieces by three friends who were out there in the Wyoming wilderness with me. (We made the plunge into an icy creek at…
weekend links: the bone orchard, war as divination, punishing wickedness
Don’t Waste a Good Crisis: “If you want to know what might come next, read the memoir of ‘White’ Russian general Pyotr Wrangel, Always with Honor, about the Russian Civil War. I’m not joking.” Godzilla: “A highlight of Heisei period Godzilla movies is Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah. It’s mostly a highlight for being completely bonkers Japanese nationalism. The…
w e e k e n d LINKS
The best links on the Internet this weekend are located here. Barbarians Past the Gate: Legacy institutions are at war with distributed collective intelligence, but the legacy institutions are losing—badly. 2 million full-time “content creators,” outside any professional sanction; the election of Donald Trump against an airtight media consensus certain of its impossibility; mass, hysterical…