Cancel the Election: “Democracy isn’t pretty; make sure the old whore’s syphilis scars are on full display as she gracelessly expires.” Concrete and Glass: “Do you want to know why [JG] Ballard’s late 1960s and 1970s output is based? Because it’s all about unstoppable civilisational decline, and the chances of thriving, despite everything, in the…
Tag: Russia
WEEKEND LINKS: Siberia, Nicolas Cage/Nick Cave, the Cathedral, and Rebellion Against the Playbook
Have You Ever Met Nicolas Cage?/Do You Ever Add an Untrue Component to a Story to Make it More Interesting Than it Actually Is? (Nick Cave/The Red Hand Files): Suddenly, a security guy in a dark suit with an earpiece and shades steps out of nowhere and asks me if I’m Nick Cave. I say,…
Q&A with @Stahlblau4 — Amphibious Geopolitics, Afghanistan, Junkspace, the Mirror of Galadriel, Cybernetics, and Prayer
Cornelius Stahlblau is a writer whom I’ve struck up a friendship with via Twitter and through Justin Murphy‘s Indie Thinkers group. He authors The Outpost, a substack blog devoted to organic prophecies, esoteric analysis and wild speculation on things you didn’t even know were happening. To get acquainted with The Outpost‘s style, I would first…
weekend links
Making Sense of a Weird War (The Outpost): What’s really going on? What is it about? Only one thing is for sure: if you hear it in the news, it’s not it. We’ve talked before about the Russian establishment’s role in enforcing the Global System. They are the bad cop that will help wasted regimes…
weekend links
Vodka & Petrol Martini, Stirred not Shaken (The Outpost): Kazakh energy resources do not stop at uranium. The country is a major fossil fuel exporter, pumping out about 1.6 million bpd of petrol (more than Qatar, Libya or Algeria). About 3/4 of this is exported, either to Western Europe or to China, in direct competition…
Cybernetics of Migration in the Covidian Age (The Outpost) κυβερνητική (kybernētikḗ) means “governance” in Greek. While the world’s hoi polloi accumulate at the gates of sinking empires, the great powers (the US, China, Russia) scramble for influence over the vast territories left behind. Meanwhile, second-tier petty kings in Europe and Africa navigate the stormy waters…
w e e k e n d LINKS
The best links on the Internet this weekend are located here. Barbarians Past the Gate: Legacy institutions are at war with distributed collective intelligence, but the legacy institutions are losing—badly. 2 million full-time “content creators,” outside any professional sanction; the election of Donald Trump against an airtight media consensus certain of its impossibility; mass, hysterical…
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Cities and the Balance of Power: “Cities are like massive information-processing units, with real-estate markets revealing the value of being able to access the networks involved. People put a dollar value on physical colocation and proximity to others who have similarly paid a high price to access density. This implicit sorting lies at the heart of…