Everything Everywhere All At Once: “In the seventh century in what is now Scotland but at the time was known as Northumbria, there lived a man named Cuthbert. Cuthbert of Lindisfarne. He was a bishop, a hermit, and a monk, back in the time before clerical careerism when one person could indeed be all of…
Tag: sun
w̷e̷e̷k̷e̷n̷d̷ ̷l̷i̷n̷k̷s̷: home invasions of the mind plus deadzones of Anthropocenic destruction and classical rivers of the dead
Light in the Darkness: “The sun is low on the horizon all day long now, and darkness creeps in like a home invasion of your mind. Demons descend through a red and black sky and no help is on the way. Our country is so mentally hog-tied trying to unravel the twisted events of just…
weekend links: chaotic potential, the violent death of men, Psalm 91
From City to Civium: “The fourth industrial revolution really is at hand — but the WEF is completely wrong. They are correct in recognizing that a massive technical wave is sweeping across our economic landscape, but they make the mistake of thinking that the city (and its nature) is an invariant. As a result, they have…
Terra Damnata
What follows is a list of stray words and quotes that I highlighted for my own reasons while reading Blood Meridian a couple years ago. I’m sharing them because their aesthetic value is inherently high but also because, in aggregate their strangeness and desolate aesthetics are enhanced. They also act like luminol on my brain…
weekend links: warzone conditions, spiritual cannon fodder, 2 hours in the dark
A National Divorce From Reality: “Douglas MacArthur famously stated ‘It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it.’ Conservatives still have not grappled with the fact that their political will has been consistently shown to be much smaller than that of liberals. The Floyd Riots showed just how primed for derangement…
weekend links
Age of the Corporate Drone: “(Trotskyist James) Burnham…supported what in International Relations is known as rollback, the opposite strategy of promoting regime change which failed in Korea (1950) and Cuba (1961). This attitude was not meant to counter socialism with capitalism, as he considered the latter’s demise a fact. Instead, Burnham believed that the product of capitalist…
Blood Meridian
I haven’t had the pleasure of reading Blood Meridian yet, but every single Blood Meridian quote I’ve mined from the internet is extraordinary. To wit: They rode on and the sun in the east flushed pale streaks of light and then a deeper run of color like blood seeping up in sudden reaches flaring planewise…
G Faye, on California: ‘…an uninhabited, disenchanted nature, deserted by the gods: a sinister land beneath a sun that is too bright.’ pic.twitter.com/KKGZltEex2 — ᵗ ᵘ ⁿ ᵈ ʳ ᵃ ⁿ ᵃ ᵘ ᵗ (@tundranaut) July 27, 2019