American Prometheus: “There are earth energies emanating from places across [New Mexico] that are healing and raising consciousness — Taos even has an audible hum. The official nickname of New Mexico is ‘The Land of Enchantment,’ and it enchanted the young [Oppenheimer]. The other meaning of enchantment — that of alchemy/magic/spirituality/occultism — also applies to…
weekend links: death cults, wilderness, eternal tension
Beyond Thaumatophobia 3: The End of the Age of Reason: “[My father, a] lifelong materialist…was startled one day to hear his mother’s voice from the ground floor of his house, calling his boyhood nickname. That was a bit of a surprise, since she was 300 miles away at the time. Startled, he went to look,…
Terra Damnata
What follows is a list of stray words and quotes that I highlighted for my own reasons while reading Blood Meridian a couple years ago. I’m sharing them because their aesthetic value is inherently high but also because, in aggregate their strangeness and desolate aesthetics are enhanced. They also act like luminol on my brain…
Weekend Links: the Age of Disenchanment, Digital Ghosts, Faraway Friends, and Magisterial Relics of the Ancient World
Anons at the Gate: “The nature of the shadow is equated with the unknown, and with chaos itself. A chaos that is always on the brink of returning once more. Only now we live in an even more precarious position, because as [Jordan] Peterson correctly asserts, in the age of disenchantment, after the ‘Death of…
weekend links: warzone conditions, spiritual cannon fodder, 2 hours in the dark
A National Divorce From Reality: “Douglas MacArthur famously stated ‘It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it.’ Conservatives still have not grappled with the fact that their political will has been consistently shown to be much smaller than that of liberals. The Floyd Riots showed just how primed for derangement…
weekend links: twilight, starlings, gods
Christianity is Not Monotheistic: “…angels were made to sing. Specifically, to sing the cosmos into existence. That’s why the medievals organized them into ‘choirs.’” Cormac McCarthy’s New Books of Revelation: “Everyone easily notices the Old Testament style, but rather than saints and gods, we encounter simple men who are driven by an instinctive solidarity for…
Off-Blog Content: Electric Money & Nuclear Energy
Over at my energy blog, Second Power, I’ve published a guest post by Twitter mutual Brett Maverick_, entitled Electric Money: Flywheel for the Neo-Atomic Age, which dives into the nexus of nuclear energy and Bitcoin mining. An excerpt: Given what we know about electricity, our goal here is to catalyze the nuclear industry into a…
Tuesday Links: A Dragon with its Wings Ripped Off, Noetic Gnosticism, and the Brood of the Abyss
AI and the Return of Creative Elitism: “We’ve found a way to automate the parrots, and in doing so we will dash the dreams of mediocre thinkers everywhere who had been prospering under an illusion that they were creative. It will end the glut of mediocre art by finally, thankfully, making the chaff redundant so…
Tuesday Night Links: Werewolves, Fertility Collapse, the Antichrist
Industrial Civilization Needs a Biological Future: “For decades, we have been absolutely deluged by prophecies of doom and dystopia. From the nuclear threat of the Cold War, to the ‘Population Bomb’ of the 1970s, to claims that ‘Peak Oil’ and climate change will render the future a living hell, to the latest worries about artificial…
Mid-Week Links: Shatter Zones, Cultures of Refusal, Glory
A Far Away Planet to Which I Would Never Return — The vanishing horizon line of Terrence Malick‘s BADLANDS: “Kit is a trash collector by trade, Batailling against the solar surpluses reclaimable in the culturubble, throwing away items of no-to-low utility, revealing how even The Outsider can only seek emancipation from materialism in refuse materials,…
Weekend Links — Hyperobjects, Temporality, and the Book of Job
Magonia As Hyperobject: “If the UFOs are psychic devices, then the real question is not about the devices or machines themselves, but what they serve as such equipment.” Metacosmos: “Behold the time machine called ‘metacosmos’ that pounds on the fabric of reality. The machine does not travel, it prints a timeline, and the world moves. Unceasing,…