cross-posted at Void Wandering My first awareness of David Lynch came via Dune and The Elephant Man in the early 80s, followed by random exposure to Blue Velvet on a premium cable channel sometime in 1987, when I was 14. By then, Altered States and other phantasmagoria had me primed to receive Lynchworld without too much shock. My true Lynchian flashpoint was Twin Peaks, which blew the…
Tag: Magic
w e e k e n d LINKS: Deathless Fame/Something Eerie at the Edge of Vision, Crisis
Ancient Pain: “[Anthony] Hecht’s influence on the lyrics of Steely Dan may be his most widely appreciated legacy today, given how few Americans read poetry anymore. The influence is obvious. Hecht was a formalist with a wry sense of humor. His poems are disciplined, articulate, and clever, always anchored to a moment, a place, and…
Mid-Week Links: Theories for the Damned, Cosmological Spiritual Wars, and Permanent Revolution
American Prometheus: “There are earth energies emanating from places across [New Mexico] that are healing and raising consciousness — Taos even has an audible hum. The official nickname of New Mexico is ‘The Land of Enchantment,’ and it enchanted the young [Oppenheimer]. The other meaning of enchantment — that of alchemy/magic/spirituality/occultism — also applies to…
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The Putney Spoons Interviews: Malcom Kyeyune – Knowing Me, Knowing Kyeyune (Fisted by Foucault) There’s a scene in the old Jurassic Park movie that is pretty instructive… After the hacker Dennis Nedry basically knocks out the entire computer system necessary to run the park in order to disable the security and cameras so he can…
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Control Societies with Sacrificial Characteristics: “The shifting, arbitrary standards that determine what may trigger the mob ensure that the sacrificial spectacles will continue, which in turn, helps ensure the system’s ongoing hold on our attention.” Outsider Theory Libmat /Ratpack Gossip 2: Judgment Day – Terminator vs. Robocop vs. Jesus Christ: “Aphorisms are often best left…
Pandemic Inventory
Seems like a lot of people are taking inventory of their pandemic experiences, so I will too. (As someone on Twitter recently joked, citing Garrison Keillor: Nothing happened to me, and now I’m going to tell you about it.) Like millions of others, I spend a lot of time alone these days. Don’t my lonely…
“You were my best friend outside of Paris in 1918. You were wounded in the Ardennes and you died in my arms there. I’m glad you’re back in the world. You have a different face, a different name, but the soul shining out of your face is the same as my friend. Welcome back.”
The best ending to any writer’s interview ever? Paris Review asks Ray Bradbury about the origins of a character named Mr Electrico. His answer starts in our world, opens a trapdoor in the fabric of reality itself, and surges into an elemental realm of cosmic myth. Genuine magic — Colin Walsh (@Clnwlsh) April 15,…
Sacred Power Centers, Wisconsin Version
Thread. AMERICAN GODS gets this detail right: south-central Wisconsin has some seriously weird sacred power juju — T U N D R A N A U T (@tundranaut) March 11, 2019 — T U N D R A N A U T (@tundranaut) March 11, 2019
Light That Kills as Well as Illumines
“If we can’t hear people screaming in agony, how can we hear at all?” — Henry Miller Edgard Varèse I was digging through old blog posts recently and found a post that deserves a reboot. The topic of the post in question was Henry Miller’s book The Air-Conditioned Nightmare, which features some really great music…