I have a new energy blog over at Substack called Second Power, and I encourage anyone reading this to subscribe to the email list. I’m just getting started over there but I’m envisioning it as a potential group project, so if anyone wants to contribute a piece, I’m all for it. (I currently have no…
Author: tundranaut
WEEKEND LINKS: Siberia, Nicolas Cage/Nick Cave, the Cathedral, and Rebellion Against the Playbook
Have You Ever Met Nicolas Cage?/Do You Ever Add an Untrue Component to a Story to Make it More Interesting Than it Actually Is? (Nick Cave/The Red Hand Files): Suddenly, a security guy in a dark suit with an earpiece and shades steps out of nowhere and asks me if I’m Nick Cave. I say,…
Q&A with @Stahlblau4 — Amphibious Geopolitics, Afghanistan, Junkspace, the Mirror of Galadriel, Cybernetics, and Prayer
Cornelius Stahlblau is a writer whom I’ve struck up a friendship with via Twitter and through Justin Murphy‘s Indie Thinkers group. He authors The Outpost, a substack blog devoted to organic prophecies, esoteric analysis and wild speculation on things you didn’t even know were happening. To get acquainted with The Outpost‘s style, I would first…
weekend links
Making Sense of a Weird War (The Outpost): What’s really going on? What is it about? Only one thing is for sure: if you hear it in the news, it’s not it. We’ve talked before about the Russian establishment’s role in enforcing the Global System. They are the bad cop that will help wasted regimes…
weekend links
Vodka & Petrol Martini, Stirred not Shaken (The Outpost): Kazakh energy resources do not stop at uranium. The country is a major fossil fuel exporter, pumping out about 1.6 million bpd of petrol (more than Qatar, Libya or Algeria). About 3/4 of this is exported, either to Western Europe or to China, in direct competition…
Rest in Peace, Mark Lanegan (1964-2022)
Nick Cave has a nice tribute to Mark Lanegan at the Red Hand Files: As a frontman, I move around a lot on stage, I can’t help it, it is a habitual nervous thing, a kind of neurotic compensation for a voice I have never felt that comfortable with. But watch Mark, watch how he…
Culinary Mysticism — review of “Pig,” starring Nicolas Cage (IM1776) Rob does not hate Portland; like Socrates, who dismisses outright the idea of fleeing Athens for Thessaly, he sees it from the standpoint of eternity, and so both loves it and knows it to be deeply broken: Amir: “If the city floods we can always…
weekday links
Spenglerian Moments, Borders, and the Rise and Fall of Kingdoms (The Outpost): Since the publication of The Decline of the West in 1918, Oswald Spengler’s theories of civilizational decline have never truly gone out of fashion. War, Plague, Death and Conquest: no civilizational end of cycle is without its godly scourges. Kingdoms rise and fall,…
wEeKeNd LiNkS
Suddenly, On Halloween (Wrath of Gnon) Why don’t I know any of my neighbors? Why are the young couple down the street not around anymore? When did they move out? They seemed so nice. The Reality War (The Upheaval) Maybe now you are willing to believe that a good portion of our world’s political strife…
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The Putney Spoons Interviews: Malcom Kyeyune – Knowing Me, Knowing Kyeyune (Fisted by Foucault) There’s a scene in the old Jurassic Park movie that is pretty instructive… After the hacker Dennis Nedry basically knocks out the entire computer system necessary to run the park in order to disable the security and cameras so he can…